Gratus represents gratitude, a place to thank the people who came before us and who matter today. As a society we can take things for granted, and this garden is about celebrating the quiet achievers in our lives. The teachers, the carers, the workers – anyone who may be overlooked or forgotten in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. Gratus beckons us to stop, pause, and take a moment to appreciate everything we have in the now. It’s a gathering space to take the time to care for one another and reflect on the community we share. The spa is inspired by the roman baths, designed as a lowered space to sit and converse. Likewise, the central dining area is an open table accessible on all sides to symbolise the coming together as a group from all corners of the garden. The winding garden paths acknowledge that we don’t all walk the same path, but we can all still end up in the same central point together.


The garden itself is a fusion of order and chaos, there are strong angular lines as well as dynamic plant choices. The materiality of the garden is grounded with strong natural cypress timber and soft limestone paving. So often we try to tame and control our gardens, but this is an embrace of the beauty of organised chaos. We can sit back and reflect on the natural beauty without having to make sense of everything around us.
